We invite submissions to the VIU photography competition on the theme "Globalization". Students, staff, alumni and professors are all eligible to submit.
Each person may submit ONE photo. Each entry should be accompanied by a text of up to 100 words explaining its meaning and significance.
A selection of entries will be made by the Faculty. Photos will be judged against the following criteria:
-Relevance to the "Globalization" theme.
-Quality of the accompanying text.
The selected entries will then be put forward to a vote of the student body. In the event of a tie, the winning entry will be selected by Professor Richard Toye, as Chair of the competition.
The deadline is 17:00 Venice time on 14 May 2021.
Entries should be emailed to viucommunity21@gmail.com and will be displayed on a digital gallery on VIUcommunity website while the competition is ongoing!
Good luck!