Good evening. Would like to comment on the today's (8May) meeting regarding “vulnerabiltiy”. Talking about the current situation what I did notice is the “virus” were launched into the Earth-space at the very unbearable moment of the crest of “massive violence” of humankind towards itself — decayed vision and appraisal of other people's lives intrinsic vulnerability of health system and lack of governmental coordination. Moving through the „high water“ of debates, we miss the clearest moment of solution simplicity. The is no reason to proceed with accumulation of accusations against China to feed the political atmosphere. Could WE just make a “small” effort anch block the spreading of the virus? What does “small effort” mean? It does mean that it should be zoomed and digged and chronologically analysed but from a different perspective without searching for synonimical correlations with any kind of virus which, in this case, is just a Zeitgeist unconscious association. The starting point might be implementing microsociological approach where not society but individuals build society, subsequently moving towards global integration of national policies. Moreover, it is high time forthe reform in educational system (coordinated hierarchical structure)pluscrucially important buttom-up political reform (for Italy) plusparamount focus on investments in health care system — every measure overlaps with State responsibility for its people.
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Dear Ilona,
you might be able to do it now, since you have been appointed "writer".
All the best, Luca