During this week’s online Lunch2B, which will take place on Friday, April 16th, at 12:00 PM, Italian time, we will discuss repopulating Venice and how to save the city.
But with the COVID-19 pandemic — along with the chance to move through quiet canals, to hear Venetian dialect in the air and to gaze, unobstructed, upon works by Renaissance masters Tintoretto or Titian — these essential questions have been laid bare as never before. Real transformation never comes with a shock but with a plan. Do we have one?
Here is the link for this session, we look forward to see you online: https://univiu-org.zoom.us/j/91524000744?pwd=dE9kMitoTjJoK29kVG5xZHlITTRRZz09
We hope to see you there and after the meeting feel free to comment something that was interesting for you here!!
Your three beloved REDs Francesca, Olivia, and Luka